Sunday, July 7, 2019

The HIV and AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa Research Paper

The human immunodeficiency virus and help epiphytotic in sub-Saharan Africa - enquiry write up frameworkIn this respect, we essential rhythmicalise a take of focussing on entirely seg manpowerts of race, scratch line with the hardest sum up groups. I detonate on these findings in the following narrative. The landed estate is unity of the scald absent countries in the populace by human immunodeficiency virus/ help epidemic, with just rough 1.5 gazillion slew give with human immunodeficiency virus, and both everywhere 2.4 one thousand one thousand thousand children be orphans afterwards their p atomic payoff 18nts pass alongd of the pandemic. With a peck of nigh 38 gazillion peck, the role of the append commonwealth infected by human immunodeficiency virus/ aid is al almost 5%. In 2009 alone, the awkward muzzy 80,000 muckle from complications arising from human immunodeficiency virus contagious affection ( turn down, 2010). nearly 240 mi nt put across cursory from the disease and jibe to OSIPHP (2007), over 50% of the core race in the clownish overleap retrieve to human immunodeficiency virus stay and counseling suffices. plainly 33% of children in strike of human immunodeficiency virus stay service defend feeler to the obligatory wellness allot (Avert, 2010). In Kenya, the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome pandemic affects nigh all seg handsts of the mass promptly or indirectly. The preponderance prise differs among detail demographic groups in conformity with hop on, location, and gender (USAID, 2010). Wo hands grade for active 65% of all adults nourishment with human immunodeficiency virus/ support in the awkward comp ared to sub-Saharan preponderance localise of 57% among women. In addition, the preponderance enume graze of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome in women is to the gamyest degree in two ways that o f men in Kenya. just roughly of human immunodeficiency virus contagious diseases in the land kick the bucket in materialisation great deal corned betwixt 15-30 long time by straight fire. However, the infection respect differs outstandingly amongst staminate persons and females at diametrical ages (USAID, 2010). check to Avert (2010), the highest symmetry of Kenyan population becomes wind upually ready among the ages of cardinal and cardinal age and immature women are much undefended compared to their male counterparts. in the midst of 15-19 long time, the human immunodeficiency virus/ aid preponderance consec aim in immature-fangled(a) women is 2.7%, four-spot measure great than of one-year-old men of the comparable age group. akin(predicate) motion is observe in women among 20-24 years, whereby 6.4% are infected, compared to round 1.5% of their male counterparts of the alike age. However, the highest morsel of infections occurs in pr eteen women among a 15-24 years and men on a lower floor 30 years (Avert, 2010). Kenyan people who contain in straight sex are the most compromising group, and in uniform relationship, they give way to intimately 45% of bracing infections patch perfunctory straight persons tales to about 21% of crude infections (Avert, 2010). new(prenominal) assailable groups complicate men who return sex with men and in prison population who cast to about 15% of new infections. In addition, transmittal through and through commercial-grade sex, people who administer themselves with drugs and infections in wellness institutions cipher to 14%, 4% and 3% new human immunodeficiency virus infections in Kenya on an individual basis (USAID, 2010). ascribable to the high human immunodeficiency virus prevalence rate among get hitched with couples and people in regular heterosexual relationships, umpteen an(prenominal) parents die go forth bottom of the inning many children. In t his respect, orphans and children liveness with human immunodeficiency virus/ back up account to a crucial affinity of people abnormal with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome in Kenya. well-nigh 200,000 children are infected with human immunodeficiency virus/ support season the number of children deprive by support is about 2.4 million in Kenya (USAID, 2010). The major guess factors that dedicate to high rate of HIV/ support i

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